Ziva Dahl
Dec 11, 2021
Biden's Embassy Initiative Challenges Israel's Sovereignty Over Jerusalem
As published in Newsmax. December 9, 2021. A diplomatic confrontation between the U.S. and Israel is brewing over the Biden...

Ziva Dahl
May 30, 2021
Democrats Throw Israel Under the Bus, Kill Bipartisanship
As published in Newsmax. May 29, 2021. After assaulting Israeli civilians with more than 4000 rockets over eleven days and incurring...

Ziva Dahl
Apr 26, 2021
As China Exploits Our Weaknesses, Biden Diminishes Our Strengths
As published in Newsmax. April 20, 2021. "China is going to eat our lunch? Cmon, man! I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks. But...

Ziva Dahl
Sep 9, 2020
What Do Biden, Harris See in Al Sharpton? Votes
As published in Newsmax Fifty-seven years after Dr. Martin Luther King’s "I Have a Dream" speech, several thousand people gathered at...

Ziva Dahl
May 7, 2020
Biden Validates Anti-Israel Group’s Agenda
As published in the American Spectator Joe welcomes J Street’s endorsement. When the anti-Israel group J Street endorsed Joe Biden for...